lizzy itzkowitz is an illustrator whose work never fails to raise a giggle or two. we love her bright and astute outlook on daily life. here, she reminds us that once creative, always creative.
lizzy, tell us about one creative episode of childhood that has stayed in your head.
When my brother and I were really young, I convinced him to let me paint his face like a tiger or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle- I can’t remember which one. I think that was just my excuse to just go a bit crazy and put paint all over his face just for fun.
how did you come to living a creative life as an adult?
Being creative is just a part of being me. It never left. I want to make the world a brighter and more fun place to be a part of and I just couldn’t do that without being creative and also a bit nutty.
nutty is good, we love nutty! what are the challenges you face with living off your creativity?
Being creative makes me an inherently sensitive person. I’m always worried about how people will see my art and if I’m as good as my peers. It also sometimes feels like I’m drifting in a lazy river because I never seem to have a set schedule.
what is your dream brief?
Making something colorful and joyful to go on a physical object... maybe like a fun pattern for pants.
describe one place or environment that sends you into Creative Land?
I think wherever I am can turn into a place that sends me to Creative Land. As long as I’m comfortable, surrounded by my favorite things (cute stuffed animals, reality TV, bright colors) and favorite people I think I can really thrive.
what is the one thing you have learnt so far in your career?
Keep putting yourself out there even if it seems like you aren’t getting results. I think the right people will find you if you give yourself time.
wise words, thank you!
lizzy's work has been featured in The New Yorker, Anorak, the ADHD Foundation and she is currently attending the N YC’s School of Visual Arts. lizzy is available for fun projects. get in touch via our contact page to commission her. follow her creative adventures here.